1) That approval be given to a capital budget of £15m for the delivery of the new Spen valley Leisure Centre, and associated revenue financing costs.
2) That it be noted that the approximate two year closure will have a financial impact upon Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL), but that Officers will work with KAL to understand the impact, provide support and develop mitigation measures that will lessen the impact upon both the Council and KAL.
3) That the requirement for a cumulative £100k revenue budget, over the next four financial years, starting in 2019/20, for additional costs for marketing, communications, stakeholder engagement and potential relief support costs.
4) That Officers be authorised to progress the project into the detailed design, planning application and tender stages.
5) That Officers be requested to develop detailed stakeholder engagement and communications plans for future consideration.
6) That it be noted that Cabinet will receive further reports as the project develops setting out updates on progress.