Issue - decisions

Proposal to allocate funding from the Learning & Early Support Strategic Priorities Capital Plan for the provision of new pupil places in Huddersfield North.

24/01/2019 - Proposal to allocate funding from the Learning & Early Support Strategic Priorities Capital Plan for the provision of new pupil places in Huddersfield North

That Cabinet:-


1.    Approved an overall capital allocation of £9.7m from the Council’s Capital Plan for the project as defined in the report, to create a new 420 place primary school building and associated facilities at Clare Hill, Edgerton to serve Huddersfield North;

2.    Approved the proposed mix of government grant, Section 106 monies and prudential borrowing as detailed in sections 2.20-2.23 and Appendix B of the report;

3.    Noted the information contained in Appendix B of the report which detailed the name of the successful contractor and the agreed contract price, which has been determined through a competitive tender exercise in accordance with the Council’s Financial and Contract Procedure Rules; and

4.    Delegated authority to the Service Director, Legal, Governance and Commissioning, in consultation with the Service Director, Commercial, Regulatory and Operational Services, to finalise and enact all contractual agreements in relation to the building contract and the land purchase.