Issue - decisions

Huddersfield Heritage Led Regeneration Scheme (HLR)

21/02/2019 - Huddersfield Heritage Led Regeneration Scheme (HLR)

That Cabinet:-


1.    Approved £1.2m to be taken from the Town Centre Capial Allocation to support the installation of shop fronts and secure more viable uses where necessary;

2.    Authorised the Strategic Director for Economy and Infrastructure to:-

  1. Set up a grant scheme for the award of third party grants to owners of properties for the purposes of the installation of shop fronts and/or for the purposes of securing more viable uses where appropriate;

  2. Enter into discussions with the Heritage Lottery Fund, Architectural Heritage Fund and Historic England to secure possible funding for the scheme;

  3. Enter into discussions with the Huddersfield Civic Society to join the scheme as partners and secure the publication of a Huddersfield Town Centre Design Guide; and

  4. Take any necessary enforcement action to secure better quality shop fronts and advertisements.

  5. Ensure that further checks be made around enforcements for the town centre, carry out an audit of the buildings and continue to take enforcement action where necessary.