1) That approval be given to the Dewsbury Riverside Masterplan and Masterplan Framework in order to ensure that Dewsbury Riverside is developed in a sustainable manner, enhancing the North Kirklees area.
2) That it be noted that two current grant bid submissions (£4.6m Local Growth Fund and £22.5m Housing Infrastructure Fund) will support the delivery of the vision set out within the Masterplan and Masterplan Framework.
3) That it be noted that, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Service Director – Legal, Governance and Commissioning, and the relevant Strategic Director, is authorised to approve the acceptance of any subsequent Grant Agreement for the two bids, if successful.
4) That authority be delegated to the Service Director – Legal Governance and Commissioning, to enter into and execute any Grant Agreement with the Combined Authority for the Local Growth Fund Grant, and also to enter into and execute any ancillary documents relating to the Grant Agreement.
5) That it be noted that (2) above will ensure that funding can be obtained in order to deliver the vision set out within the Masterplan and Masterplan Framework.