(1) That the funding and spend assumptions informing the updated budget forecasts, as set out in section 2 of the considered report, be noted.
(2) That the current and forecast earmarked reserves and general balances, as set out at Appendix B, be noted.
(3) That the existing 2019-2024 capital budget plans rolled forward, as set out at Appendix D, be noted.
(4) That the corporate budget timetable and approach, as set out at Appendix F, be noted.
(5) That the report be submitted to Council on 16 October 2019 with a recommendation;
(i) That approval be given to the updated baseline general fund revenue and Housing Revenue Account budget spending control totals over the 2020 - 2023 period, as set out at Appendix A (general fund) and Appendix C (HRA) of the considered report.
(ii) That approval be given to the budget planning framework, as set out in the considered report.
(iii) That approval be given to the budget consultation approach and timetable, as set out within the considered report.