1) That in regards to the General Fund (i) the 2020/2021 forecast revenue overspend of £7.7m as at Quarter 1 be noted (ii) the 2020/2021 forecast £7.6m High Needs overspend which as per current DfE guidance will roll forward into 2021/2022 on the Council balance sheet as a negative reserve be noted (iii) that, in conjunction with the assumed continued support of Central Government to adequately compensate the Council for Covid 19 pressures, the Council’s Executive Team continue to identify opportunities for spending plans to be collectively brought back in line within the Council’s overall budget by year end (iv) approval be given to the proposed use of Kirklees allocation of £551k supplementary hardship funding through the existing Local Welfare Provision Scheme, as outlined in para. 1.2.12 (v) the forecast year-end position on corporate reserves and balances be noted (vi) the details of the financial support package to Adult Social Care Providers, as outlined in Appendix 10, further to the agreed delegation of approval to the Strategic Director with responsibility for Adult Social Care in consultation with the S151 Officer and Cabinet Members with responsibility for Adult Social Care and Resources, be noted.
2) That the forecast position on the Collection Fund as at Quarter 1 be noted.
3) That the Quarter 1 forecast Housing Revenue Account position and forecast year-end reserves position be noted.
4) That in regards to Capital (i) the Quarter 1 forecast capital monitoring position for 2020/2021 be noted (ii) approval be given to re-profiling across years of the capital plan as set out within the report and at Appendix 6 (iii) approval be given to £1.225m additional funds required for Brambles Primary Academy (iv) approval be given to £2m capital proposals for Children’s homes, as set out within the report and at Appendix 7 (v) approval be given to capital proposals relating to infection, prevention and control measures on in-house residential homes (vi) authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Adults, Housing and Health) to use IPC funding towards building works on other internal care homes (vii) approval be given to an additional £1.44m capital funds to replace the existing outdated Adults Social Care case management system CareFirst (revised overall programme cost of £2.49m including £347k revenue costs) as set out within the report and at Appendix 8 (viii) approval be given to a £2.5m refurbishment scheme at Civic Centre 1 to adapt to a post Covid-19 working environment, as set out within the report and at Appendix 9 (ix) approval be given to the release of funding from the Sustainability of Major Town Halls – Service Development capital programme line for redecoration and refurbishment works at Dewsbury Town Hall (x) approval be given to the release of funding from existing Town Centre Action Plan capital budgets to fund expenditure on Town Centre Footfall Count Cameras and (xi) the increase in funding for Transforming Cities Fund from the low scenario to the high scenario, and a longer programme timeline to be determined and managed by West Yorkshire Combined Authority, be noted.