1) That the content of the report and draft Economic Recovery Plan be noted and that approval be given to the draft plan for the purposes of public consultation.
2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) to implement the consultation programme and finalise the Economic Recovery Plan in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) and the Service Director (Finance), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Corporate and Asset Strategy, to establish the Economic Recovery Fund and pursue external funding to support delivery of the plan.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, to establish appropriate monitoring and evaluation arrangements for the Economic Recovery Plan and to prepare regular reports to the relevant Scrutiny Committee.
5) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, for the delivery of the key projects as outlined in the Economic Recovery Plan, where this authority is not already in place, and to commence any related procurement exercises.