1) That the projects and status of the budgets for the town centre programmes as set out in section 2.5, 2.6 and Appendix 1 of the considered report be noted.
2) That the Council’s current contribution to the identified projects, as set out at para. 2.7, be approved.
3) That the agreed sums of match funding, as set out at para. 2.7, be approved and drawn into the capital plan, and that Officers be authorised to incur expenditure on the working up of plans and proposals for the project/s.
4) That approval be given to utilising up to £1m of town centre capital to develop and deliver a town centre programme of public realm improvements across both towns (para. 2.10 refers).
5) That approval be given to accepting appropriate development funds for projects as set out at para. 2.19, for use by Kirklees Council and its agents, and that Officers be authorised to enter into grant and other agreements, where necessary, and to incur expenditure on the working up of plans and proposals for the projects.