1) That in regard to the General Fund (i) the Forecast Revenue Outturn position at Quarter 2 be noted (ii) the forecast year end position on corporate reserves and balances at Quarter 2 be noted and (iii) it be noted that the regular monitoring and review of corporate reserves in 2021/2022 will be reported to Cabinet as part of the quarterly financial monitoring cycle.
2) That the Collection Fund forecast position as at Quarter 2 be noted.
3) That the Housing Revenue Account position and forecast year-end reserves position at Quarter 2 be noted.
4) That, in regards to Capital, (i) the Quarter 2 Capital Monitoring Position 2021/2022 be noted (ii) approval be given to the re-profiling across years of the Capital Plan (appendix 6 refers) (iii) approval be given to £483k self-funding within the Kirklees Active Leisure Capital Plan towards the invest to save Phase 2 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, as detailed within the report (iv) approval be given to a £350k grant allocation from MHCLG and that authority be delegated to the Head of Technology to progress works on increasing the level of Council cyber security and resilience as appropriate and (v) approval be given to a £85k match fund grant to Marsden Mechanics Trust as part of a lottery fund bid to be drawn down from the Regeneration and Greening of Smaller Towns and Villages Capital Plan programme line.