1) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to negotiate and agree terms (including payment of Zurich’s fees and costs) with Zurich as landlord for the surrender of the current ground floor access and terms for a new lease of alternative ground premises (yet to be identified) in order to facilitate access to the refurbished Buxton House.
2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to negotiate and agree terms with Zurich (consistent with the content of the underlease, including payment of Zurich’s fees and costs) for a licence to carry out alterations by Zurich, as landlord, permits the work to be done to Buxton House.
3) That approval be given to demolish Holme Park Court and Bishops Court at Berry Brow, and new build design within an estimated total budget envelope of £37m.
4) That approval be given to improve/remediate Buxton House and a programme of work to ensure safe homes within an estimated budget envelope of £16m.
5) That approval be to the Decant Plan for Holme Park Court and Bishops Court at Berry Brow, and also at Buxton House.
6) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to serve Interim Demolition Notices and Final Demolition Notices on tenants occupying Holme Park Court and Bishops Court, Berry Brow.
7) That approval be given to the changes to the Allocations Policy as set out in paras. 2.3 and 2.4 of the considered report.
8) That the fire safety improvement works and provisional budget of £4m to Harold Wilson Court be noted.
9) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to carry out further work to finalise the designs and schemes and, in consultation with the Service Director (Finance), a financial viability for each scheme relating to the proposed developments and/or works at Holme Park Court and Bishops Court, Berry Brow, and at Buxton House, and implement the schemes as finalised, as referred to in (3) and (4) above.
10)That it be noted that, if following the financial viability appraisal, (9) above refers, any one or more of the schemes is not considered to be viable a further report be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.
11)That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to finalise and enter into all appropriate contracts, deeds and documents in relation to the appointment of the successful bidder for the delivery of fire safety remediation at Harold Wilson Court, the refurbishment and remodelling of Buxton House and the regeneration and new build of two high rise blocks at Berry Brow, in consultation with the Service Director (Homes and Neighbourhoods).