1) That the details of the identified Town Investment Plan projects be agreed.
2) That the assurance process for agreeing / authorising business cases for individual projects be agreed.
3) That authority be given to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the portfolio holders for Regeneration and Town Centres, to agree business cases and once agreed submit the required information to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to access the funding required for individual projects.
4) That authority be given to the Strategic Director Growth & Regeneration and the Council Section 151 Officer to utilise identified project funds, both council match funds and grant received from MHCLG as part of the Town Deal, to assist in the development of business cases or help facilitate early project delivery.
5) That authority be given to the Strategic Director Growth & Regeneration to approve grants of up to £100,000 per recipient to progress Town Investment Plan project delivery.
6) That authority be given to the Service Director Legal Governance and Commissioning to finalise and enter into all appropriate contracts, deeds and documents in relation to the receipt of grants from MHCLG.
7) That it be noted the engagement of consultants to assist with the development of business cases and the project governance arrangements are noted and agreed for the development and delivery of projects alongside the assurance process.