1) That approval be given in principle to the scheme.
2) That approval be given to accept and enter into any agreement with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority for the funding to work up the A62 to Cooper Bridge Scheme to full business case.
3) That approval be given to incur expenditure in the working up of the scheme if the Council’s application to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority for funding is successful.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Growth & Regeneration to negotiate and agree the terms of any agreements that may be necessary to work up the A62 to Cooper Bridge Scheme including the funding agreement with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
5) That authority be delegated to the Service Director – Legal, Governance & Commissioning to enter into the grant agreement with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority for the funding of the A62 to Cooper Bridge and any other relevant agreements and documents to which the Council is party.
6) That authority be given for the acquisition of land in principle as part of a land assembly.
7) That it be noted the design team’s commitment to work with and place shape the scheme with residents and businesses.
8) That it be noted the land negotiations will commence subject to funding approval of the outline business case.
9) That it be noted that the project will return to Cabinet to secure authority to make compulsory purchase orders in relation to the scheme, where necessary.