Issue - decisions

Procurement Options for Waste Management

16/12/2021 - Procurement Options for Waste Management

1)    That approval be given to re-procure the Energy from Waste at contract end in 2023

2)  That approval be given to the following recommendations in respect of the outline business case:


(a)To proceed to a pre-procurement phase in line with Option 3 as set out in the report.

(b)That HWRCs and closed landfills are delivered in-house, subject to further detailed consideration in advance of procurement.

(c) That the procurement route is through the Competitive Dialogue (CD) process.

(d)That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Environment & Climate Change, and Service Directors for Legal, Governance and Commissioning and Finance to commence procurement in Autumn/Winter 2022.

(e)That oversight be provided by a Project Board and a new Member Reference Group.

(f)  That an update to be provided to Scrutiny and Cabinet in Autumn 2022.

(g)That a full business case be presented to Cabinet in the Spring of 2024 requesting approval to appoint a preferred bidder.