(i) That the report be received and noted.
(ii) That the Monitoring Officer be delegated to draft an amendment to the standards process to introduce a “fast track” process to address repeat complaints and to report to this Committee.
(iii) That the Monitoring officer works with Town and Parish councils to consider options for increasing involvement at Town and Parish Council level in the Standards process and to report back to this Committee in September with proposals.
(iv) That this Committee working with NALC and the LGA (as appropriate) to raise the issue of the delay in the government response to the CSPL report write as a Council (or jointly with NALC and/or LGA) to the Minister highlighting the need for a formal response.
(v) That work be undertaken with Members and Officers to update and refresh and raise awareness to the Member Officer protocol and the importance of that to the efficient and effective working of the Council.
(vi) That more regular workshop and engagement sessions with Members and Officers to discuss issues of common concern about behaviours are arranged.
(vii) That further actions and training support was considered.
(viii) That the new code of conduct emailed to Members had a requirement of a received and read confirmation.