1) That in relation to the General Fund (i) the revenue outturn position for 2021/22 including COVID impacts be noted; (ii) the application of the Councils flexible capital receipts strategy to the value of £3.1m applied against eligible transformation in 2021/22, in line with the Councils approved budget plans in February 2022 be noted; (iii) the Government’s £13.5m funding contribution on 31 March 2022 towards the Council’s Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) deficit be noted; (iv) approval be given to the drawdown from the Council’s earmarked demand reserve to offset the Almondbury Community School deficit school balance write-down (£1.954m) to the Council’s general fund in 2021/22 in line with DSG guidance; (v) the year end position on corporate reserves and balances be noted; (vi) the proposed use of pre-existing reserves and endorse the proposed use of new reserves as set out in section 1.9 in the report be re-affirmed; (vii) the regular monitoring and review of corporate reserves in 2022/23 to be reported to Cabinet as part of the Quarterly financial monitoring cycle be noted;
2) That the year end position on the Collection Fund including COVID impacts be noted.
3) That the Housing Revenue Account revenue outturn and reserves position 2021/22 be noted;
4) That in relation to Capital (i) the Council capital outturn position for 2021/22 be noted; (ii) approval be given for the £33.7m capital rollover from 2021/22 to 2022/23; (iii) approval be given to the revised capital plan for the period 2022/23 after taking into account rollover, the re-phasing of schemes and changes to grant assumptions; (iv) approval be given, retrospectively, for the transfer of £1.2m to Spen Valley Leisure Centre from within the Capital Plan to meet contractually bound payments; (v) approval be given for the additional £350k borrowing for George Hotel for successful phase one completion.
5) That the Review of Treasury Management activity for 2020/21 be noted.