1) That approval be given to the funding, as provided in accordance with the West Yorkshire Mayor’s Cost of Living Emergency Fund, and that it continues to work with One Community Foundation Ltd and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to establish the mechanism by which that fund is distributed to those organisations in the VCSE sector that are best placed to deliver against the outcomes the Mayor wishes to establish, and that those parts of Financial Procedure Rules, Section 22, as apply shall apply to this fund.
2) That approval be given to the sum of £357,000 (in relation to the period 31/3/2023) to be awarded to the VCSE sector through One Community Foundation Ltd to supplement the Mayor’s emergency funding and meet the requirements of the Household Support Fund as set out in Guidance issued by the Secretary of State, and in accordance with the decision made by Cabinet on 11 October 2022.
3) That the Cost of Living Action Plan, as appended to the report, be noted.