1) That approval be given for work to commence on the implementation and delivery of the Employment West Yorkshire programme in Kirklees.
2) That approval be given to accept external funding of £2.3 million from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to support delivery of the Employment West Yorkshire Programme in Kirklees, and for the Council to act as Accountable Body for the grant.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration and the Service Director Legal, Governance and Commissioning to finalise and execute all necessary legal agreements with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and the Council’s project delivery partners.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration to implement the Employment West Yorkshire programme in Kirklees, including the commencement and award of any related procurement exercises.
5) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration and the Service Director Finance, to submit grant claims and to undertake related project monitoring and reporting.