1) That approval be given for the proposed £3.0M budget (consisting of £2.9M Basic Need grant capital and £100K borrowing) for the implementation of building work at North Huddersfield Trust to enable the permanent provision of 150 additional secondary school places and an interim modular build solution for September 2023.
2) That authority be delegated to the Service Director for Development and the Service Director for Learning and Early Support to increase or decrease the budget allocations to facilitate the delivery of the tendered schemes, providing that the total resources allocated to the programme areas is not exceeded.
3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director for Learning and Early Support to manage the implementation of identified works up to a maximum of £500K per year for 2023/24 and 2024/25 from the High Needs Capital Grant allocation. Delegated powers would include the authority to (i) add new urgent projects to the programme without Cabinet approval within the £500K limit per year (ii) slip or delete projects in response to operational need and reallocate the budget between projects.