1) That the forecast revenue outturn position at Quarter 2 for 2023/24 (£16.1m overspend), and the forecast year end position on the Council’s reserves and balances (£47.4 Reserves, of which £35.4m are Usable Reserves) be noted;
2) That the Quarter 2 forecast HRA position (£34k surplus) and forecast year-end reserves position be noted;
3) That the Quarter 2 forecast capital monitoring position for 2023/24 in regard to Capital (£57.9m underspend) be noted;
4) That approval be given to the re-profiling of the 2023/24 capital plan as set out in the slides appended to the considered report;
5) That approval be given to £0.32m to purchase three highways tipper vehicles with delivery expected before April 2024;
6) That the Quarter 2 treasury management prudential indicators be noted.