1) That the feedback from the consultation exercise regarding the proposal to change the use of Milldale respite service and introduce a new respite offer that continues to support family carers, as set out at Appendix B, be noted.
2) That approval be given to the proposed changes to respite arrangements, as set out at paragraphs 2.19 to 2.20 of the considered report, and that they be enacted over coming months.
3) That approval be given to (i) capital expenditure of up to £3.0m for the redevelopment of Crescent Dale and Milldale and (ii) the tendering of the scheme.
4) That it be noted that, under the provision of Financial Procedure Rule 3.12, authority is delegated to Service Directors to (i) transfer resources within a programme area without restrictions (ii) transfer resources between any project or programme are up to a maximum of £2,000,000 in any financial year (iii) transfer resources within programme areas between any year within the approved capital plan, subject to compliance with Financial Procedure Rules 3.12 to 3.16 (and notification to the relevant Cabinet Member and appropriate ward members) which will be used to manage the project(s) as appropriate.
5) That approval be given to progress detailed feasibility works as soon as is possible regarding a proposed alternative site for the existing Red Laithes Court setting, including the initial allocation of £500k for detailed feasibility as well as the remaining £9.8m to fund necessary works and that the matter be submitted to Cabinet for consideration of the feasibility and next steps.