Issue - decisions

Kirklees Resource & Waste Strategy 2023 Update

17/10/2023 - Re-Profile of Kirklees Resource & Waste Strategy 2021-2030



1)    That the 2023 Resources & Waste Strategy update be agreed and published.

2)    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Growth & Regeneration, in consultation with the relevant portfolio-holders and the Service Director for Finance, for expenditure of sums as outlined in Appendix Three of the considered report to support the development and implementation of the re-profiled Kirklees Resources & Waste Strategy 2021-30 and supporting infrastructure.

3)    That approval be given to undertake the procurement of the Reuse Shop Scheme, and that authority be delegated to the Service Director for Highways and Streetscene, in consultation with the relevant portfolio-holders and the Service Director for Finance, to authorise the award of a contract to the successful bidder following the procurement.