1) That the Discretionary Reduction Policy be amended so that it no longer excludes any person that does not already receive a reduction under the main reduction scheme, and that it be noted the responsibility in relation to care leavers is to age 25.
2) That the report be submitted to the Meeting of Council on 13 December 2023 with a recommendation that; (i) the existing Council Tax Reduction scheme be reviewed and that Option 2 to reduce protection for all and implement a 25% scheme be adopted in accordance with the scheme as set out in Appendix 5, and that it take effect from 1 April 2024 (ii) that the administrative easement, as set out at Option 4 be adopted and developed in order to ensue smooth administration (iii) the findings of the statutory consultation exercise, as set out at Appendix 4, be noted and (iv) that the results of the Integrated Impact Assessment be noted.