1) That it be noted that the advice of Kirklees School Organisation Advisory Group that the proposal to increase the number of special school places at Woodley School and College to 194 places gradually over time, using satellite provision, ahead of and leading up to the new school rebuild is valid and that the required statutory process has been carried out correctly.
2) That the decision to increase places be taken within the statutory time period, two months from the end of the representation period.
3) That the outcomes and recommendations of the Kirklees SOAG meeting on 22 February 2024 and the associated officer recommendations for the proposals be noted.
4) That the financial implications of approving the increase in places be noted.
5) That it be noted that regard has been given to the Public Sector Equality Duty contained in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 and the Integrated Impact Assessment.
6) That approval be given, without modification or condition, to increase the number of special school places at Woodley School and College to 194 places gradually over time, using satellite provision, ahead of and leading up to the new school rebuild.
7) That officers of the Council support and work closely with the governing body of Woodley School and College to finalise arrangements for pupils, parents, staff, and other stakeholders in order to implement the decision in line with the timelines in the considered report.