Issue - decisions

Rent & service charge setting for Housing Revenue Account properties for 2025-26

12/12/2024 - Housing Revenue Account Rent and Service Charge Inflationary Uplift and HRA Budget



1)    That approval be given to the uplift of the proposed rents by an average of £2.30 per week (2.7%) and service charges payable by between 0.01p and £0.48 per week (2.7%) for social housing from 1st April 2025.

2)    That approval be given to introduce a service charge for communal grounds maintenance services capped at £1.00 per week each year until full cost recovery is achieved.

3)    That approval be given to the charges for Extra Care Services – Intensive Housing Management to be uplifted by between £1.92 and £4.90 (6.7%) and Extra Care Services – Night Care Service to be uplifted by £1.48 per week (6.7%).

4)    That the national and local financial challenges outlined as part of the HRA budget proposals for 2025-26 be noted.

5)    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council (Cabinet Member for Transport and Housing) to approve the rate for personal charges for Sheltered Heating and District Heating.

6)    That the updated Capital Plan for 2024-2033, as set out at Appendix 3 of the considered report, be recommended to Council for approval.

7)    That the draft HRA Budget for 2025/2026, as set out at Appendix 2 of the considered report, be recommended to Council for approval.