1) That the outcome and recommendations of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel in respect of the future of Council operated dementia care home provision be noted.
2) That the detailed financial analysis as at appendix 3 of the considered report in relation to:
(i) the 5-year summary of actual direct and net direct costs of operating these care homes under Council control,
(ii) historical and future comparisons of budgeted and actual direct costs (deficit) of operating the care homes,
(iii) historical and future comparisons of budgeted and actual income for both care homes,
(iv) historical and future comparisons of budgeted and actual net costs (deficit) and the real term potential saving to the Council for 2025/26, be noted.
4) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Adults and Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, the Service Director - Finance, and the Service Director – Legal, Governance & Commissioning, to select and finalise negotiations and agree the terms of the freehold transfers and Business Transfer Agreement with a preferred bidder.
5) That pursuant to (4) authority be delegated to the Service Director -Legal, Governance and Commissioning to execute and enter into all necessary documentation to effect the transfer of the care homes as going concerns.