(1) That approval be given to Option C, as detailed within the report, and that the proposed arrangements between Calderdale Council and C&K Careers Ltd for restructuring C&K and the incorporation of the Subsidiary as a teckal company.
(2) That, pursuant to (1) above, approval be given to Kirklees Council’s membership of the Subsidiary.
(3) That authorisation be given to the Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring) in conjunction with the Assistant Director (Commissioning and Health Partnerships) and the Head of Audit and Risk, to negotiate and conclude all appropriate documentation in respect of the restructuring of C&K, the establishment of the Subsidiary, Kirklees Council’s membership of the Subsidiary and the continued provision of CEIAG services through these companies.
(4) That it be noted that this decision is considered the most efficient, effective and practical solution to deliver the benefits as set out in paragraph 2.15 of the report.
(5) That it be noted that this decision is subject to agreement from Calderdale Council that Option C is also the preferred approach prior to the implementation of a decision and that, in the event that Calderdale pursue a different option, a further report will be submitted to Cabinet.