Issue - decisions

Strategic Investment Plan: Proposals to allocate Funding from the Strategic Priorities Section of the Capital Plan for New Pupil Places in the Huddersfield South West Area

19/10/2016 - Strategic Investment Plan: Proposals to allocate Funding from the Strategic Priorities Section of the Capital Plan for New Pupil Places in the Huddersfield South West Area

1.    That approval be given to the development and delivery of the new build school building as set out in the considered report and within the final business case attached to the report at Appendix A.

2.    That approval be given to the capital allocation up to £13.75M for this proposal, to be funded from basic need grant and prudential borrowing (if required), as set out at section 2.22 and 2.23 of the considered report.

3.    That approval be given to the proposal to the relief land required for the delivery of this project from the Public/Private Partnership (PPP) one contract agreement via a deed of variation, thereby enabling the Council to design, develop and implement the required new school and its associated infrastructure and sports provision outside the PPP one contract.

4.    That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Legal, Governance and Monitoring and Assistant Director for Physical Resources and Procurement to negotiate and implement any required deed of variation(s) to the PPP one agreement and any associated lease issues arising from this report.