Issue - decisions

Quarter 2, 2016-17 - Corporate Monitoring Report incorporating General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account, Capital and Treasury Management

16/11/2016 - Quarter 2, 2016-17 - Corporate Monitoring Report incorporating General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account, Capital and Treasury Management

1.    That, in relation to the General Revenue Fund, (i) the proposals to increase earmarked (risk) reserves drawndown by a further £1.9m to £4.8m to resources additional children’s service development costs be approved (para 2.2 refers) (ii) the forecast £5.1m forecast revenue overspend position for 2016-2017, net of the proposed reserves drawndown in (i) above (para 2.1 refers) be noted (iii) it be noted that a report will be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting following clarification of liability for site clearance costs relating to the environmental incident at a commercial site in Lockwood (iv) the forecast outturn position on collection fund (paras 3.9 and 3.10 refer) and forecast movements in reserves and balances in-year (paras 3.6 to 3.8 refer) be noted (v) the proposals to bring the forecast £5.1m overspend in line with budgets by current year end, and other actions to build up available reserves to support the Medium Term Financial Plan from 2017 onwards (para 3.4 refers) be noted (vi) a report be submitted to Cabinet on 15 December 2016 regarding management actions being taken to mitigate the increasing overspend in Learning Disabilities (para 3.5 refers) and (vii) a report be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting to consider how the Mount Pleasant £3.3m potential release from the rollover reserve could be used (para 3.8 refers).

2.    That, in relation to the Housing Revenue Account, the forecast revenue outurn position for 2016-2017 (para 2.10 and Appendix A refer) and the forecast HRA reserves position at year end (Appendix B refers) be noted.

3.    That, in relation to Capital, (i) the forecast capital outurn position for 2016-2017 (para 2.10 and Appendix A) be noted and (ii) approval be given to the transfer of £500k from the IT Revenue budget into the ‘Corporate Facilities IT’ Capital Programme budget.

4.    That, in relation to Treasury Management, the mid-year summary on Treasury Management activity for 2016-2017 (Appendix A refers) be noted.