1) That in relation to the General Fund Revenue (i) the forecast revenue overspend position for 2016-2017, and the approved drawdown of reserves at £5.8m to an adjusted overall £712k overspend (paras 2.1/2.2 and Appendix 1, Section 1 refer) be noted (ii) officers be requested to submit a report to a future meeting of Cabinet pending clarification of liability for site clearance costs relating to the environmental incident at a commercial site in Lockwood (para 2.3 refers) (iii) the forecast outturn position on collection fund (paras 3.9 /3.10 refer) and forecast remaining reserves at year end (para 3.8 and Appendix B refer) be noted (iv) it be noted that the current forecast monitoring and reserves assumptions reflected as Quarter 3 monitoring do not reflect a number of budget proposals contained in the annual budget report 2017-2021 that would impact on the 2016-2017 position, but will be incorporated within the revenue outurn position (para. 2.7 refers) and (v) it be noted that a number of key issues highlighted within the report regarding service developments and pressures in Children’s and Adults Services have been factored into the 2017-2021 budget proposals (paras 3.3 to 3.7 refer).
2) That in relation to the Housing Revenue Account , (i) the forecast £1.9m surplus outturn position 2016-2017 (para 2.8 and Appendix 1, Section 1 refers) and (ii) the forecast HRA reserves position at year end (Appendix B refers), be noted.
3) That, in relation to Capital, (i) the Council forecast capital outturn position 2016-2017 (para 2.9 and Appendix A, Section 2 refer) be noted and (ii) approval be given to a net increase in grant £91k (£40k grant in 2A Integrated Public Transport; £51k Defra Air Quality grant in 2B Network Management) and a re-profile of £367k City Cycle Ambition Grant (CCAG2) from 2016-2017 Walking and Cycling programme into 2017-2018.