That, in terms of the General Revenue Fund, (i) the revenue outturn position for 2016-2017 be
noted, (ii) the year-end position on corporate reserves, including
available ‘financial resilience’ reserves, be noted and
(iii) it be noted that regular monitoring and review of corporate
reserves in 2017-2018 will be reported to Cabinet as part of the
quarterly financial monitoring cycle including consideration of the
potential re-direct of earmarked reserves to support deferred
District Committee spend commitments.
That, in terms of the Housing Revenue Account, (i) the revenue outturn position 2016-2017 be noted,
and (ii) the year end position on HRA reserves be noted.
That, in terms of Capital, (i) the
Council capital outturn position 2016-2017 be noted, (ii) approval
be given to £39.2m capital rollover from 2016-2017 to
2017-2018, (iii) approval be given to the revised Capital Plan for
the 5 year period 2017-2022, after taking into account rollover,
the re-phasing of schemes and changes to grant
assumptions, and (iv) it be noted that
a further review of the updated capital plan to inform the annual
refresh of Council multi-year budget strategies is scheduled for
submission to Council during Autumn 2017.
That the review of treasury management activity 2016-2017, as set
out in Appendix A of the considered report, be noted.
5) That Officers be asked to note Cabinet’s concerns regarding the potential for expenditure late on in the financial year.