Issue - decisions

North Kirklees Growth Zone Next Steps report

19/10/2016 - North Kirklees Growth Zone Next Steps report

1.    That the Assistant Director of Place be requested to bring forward clear goals on how to maximise benefits from the Housing Growth Programme to the local economy through measures including training, localising employment opportunities and business growth.

2.    That the draft core transport objectives for the North Kirklees Growth Zone (NKGZ) as detailed in section 5.5.4 of the considered report be adopted as the basis for the areas transport strategy and that the Director of Economy Skills and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder be authorised to submit funding bids to assess scheme viability/scheme appraisals in line with those objectives.

3.    That the transport strategy delivery outcomes be phased over a 15 year planning period as outlined in section 5.5 of the considered report and that the final draft strategy be submitted for consideration in Cabinet at a later date.

4.    That the Council endorse the approach taken to secure quick wins to support the Living Town concept as summarised in section 5.6.8 of the considered report and that where applicable further reports be submitted to Cabinet for approval.

5.    That the Assistant Director of Place be authorised to apply for opportunities to secure funding to progress short term intervention support the Living Town concept.

6.    That the timetable for the production of the Strategic Development Framework (SDF) for Batley as outlined in section 5.7 of the considered report be approved.

7.    That the Director Economy Skills and Environment be requested to bring forward a more detailed report on governance following a steer from the Cabinet on the approach outlined in section 5.8.10 of the considered report.

8.    That authority be granted to the Assistant Director Place to enter into negotiations with Miller Homes and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to bring forward the sequenced masterplan for Dewsbury Riverside, with final approvals being subject to outcomes of the Local Plan process.

9.    That the Assistant Director Place be authorised to enter into negotiations with Miller Homes on the prospect of carrying out a phased joint development of the Dewsbury Riverside Project, combining some or all the land assets owned by the Council and those optioned to Miller Homes, with the objective of maximising the return to the Council.

10. That the Assistant Director Place be authorised to appoint a specialist consultant to advise on and as necessary represent the Council’s interest in the ensuring the maximum financial outcomes for the Dewsbury Riverside Project.

11. That the Assistant Director Place be authorised to utilise Council land assets to bring forward an early phase of development at Dewsbury Riverside in conjunction with Miller Homes in respect of the Unitary Development Plan allocated sites and submit any necessary planning applications.

12. That the Assistant Director Place be authorised to seek to exercise break clauses in respect of any existing leases and be authorised to oppose any applications brought by tenants top renew their tenancies under the 1954 Act.

13. That in respect of decisions 9 and 11 above a further report be submitted to Cabinet prior to the finalisation of any agreement to work in partnership or to execute any commitment to any land transfer.

14. That the draft objectives for Dewsbury Riverside, as detailed in section 5.4.11 of the considered report be adopted as the basis for negotiations with delivery partners.

15. That the Director for Economy, Skills and the Environment be authorised to enter into negotiations with the Community and Local Government Department’s Garden Village Team should be Council’s expression of interest be successful, as set out in the report.

16. That the Assistant Director Place be authorised to continue the process of site enabling work at Chidswell, seeking to agree the objectives as detailed in section 5.4.15 of the considered report.