Issue details

Schools Forum: Report seeking approval for Kirklees School Funding Formula for the financial year 2018/19

To report on the formal introduction from 2020-21 of the National Funding Formula for schools and how this will begin to impact upon local schools’ formula funding from 2018-19.
To recommend to Kirklees Cabinet the outline of the Kirklees school funding formula for 2018-19 in terms of:
a. Specific funding factors to be used and the relative weightings and values of the funding factors
b. Exceptions applications to the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and approvals given
c. Central budget provision within the Dedicated Schools Grant Schools Block of funding, the Central School Services Block and the Early Years Block.
d. De-delegation arrangements for mainstream maintained schools
To request that the Cabinet approve the outline details of the Kirklees school funding formula for 2018-19 to be submitted to the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) by the set deadline of 19th January 2018

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/12/2017

Decision due: 30 Jan 2018 by Cabinet

Lead director: Service Director - Learning & Early Support

Department: Children

Contact: Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director - Learning & Early Support 01484 221000 Email:

Consultation process

Engagement led by Schools Forum is reported in the minutes above.

Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Erin Hill, Children’s Services Cllr Masood Ahmed, Children’s Services Cllr David Sheard Cllr Shabir Pandor Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director David Gearing – School Finance Manager

Background papers