Issue details

Proposal to allocate New Pupil Places capital funding to expand Birkby Junior School

Members will be requested to allocate capital funding from the Learning and Early Support Capital Plan to expand Birkby Junior School from 4FE (480 pupils) to 5FE (600 pupils) through the remodelling and rationalisation of the associated buildings and site.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Savings > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Greenhead;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2018

Decision due: 20 Feb 2018 by Cabinet

Lead director: Service Director - Commercial, Regulatory and Operational Services

Department: Corporate (Place, Environment and Customer Contact Services)

Contact: David Martin, Head of Property 01484 221000 Email:

Consultation process

Ward Members consultation will occur as part of the Cabinet process

Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Graham Turner – Corporate Portfolio Holder Cllr Masood Ahmed – Children’s Portfolio Holder Joanne Bartholomew – Service Director: Commercial, Regulatory & Operational Services Jo-Anne Sanders – Acting Service Director: Learning and Skills David Martin – Head of Capital Delivery and Facilities Management