The Council is considering its strategic direction for the management and maintenance of its Council Housing stock.
Closer strategic alignment to enable improved outcomes for Kirklees communities is a key driver.
Cabinet to consider the options for the future management of the council's residential housing stock and identify a preferred option.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/02/2020
Decision due: 2 Jun 2020 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Children's Services (Statutory responsibility for children)
Lead director: Service Director - Housing
Department: Housing and Highways
Contact: Helen Geldart, Head of Housing Services E-mail:
If a decision is taken to move forward, then tenants, Councillors and the workforce will be engaged.
Ad-hoc scrutiny have been engaged as have the tenants and leaseholder panel.
Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Scott, Cllr McBride, Cllr Mather, Cllr Khan. Officers: Richard Parry, Naz Parkar, Joanne Bartholomew, Helen Geldart.