Community Plus – Community Invest Fund
The ‘Community Plus – Community Invest Fund’ was approved by cabinet in October 2018; designed to be a healthy conversation with community providers about the identified need for a service / support and their offer as a community-based provider.
Based on the learning from the first implementation phase of the Community investment Fund we would like to propose changes to the scheme in terms of allocation sizes and how allocations are made.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/02/2020
Decision due: 20 Sep 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health
Lead director: Executive Director for Adults and Health (DASS)
Department: Adult Social Care and Health
Contact: Jill Greenfield, Service Director - Communities & Access Services Email: Email:
Consultation process
Community Plus managers and workers consulted with Third Sector Leaders and groups/individuals who submitted bids.
Portfolio holders and key elected members were consulted in original scheme.
Portfolio Holders & members to be consulted on proposed changes as a priority.
Consultation/conversation were also had with Wellness Service, Public Health and Greater Huddersfield CCG.
Consulted with groups and individuals who had submitted bids, Community Plus, Wellness and Public Health services.
Members/Officers Involved: Richard Parry, Strategic Director for Adults and Health Jill Greenfield, Head of Service Local Integrated Partnerships Jon Haigh, Finance Manager Mags Rogerson, Community Plus Service Manager