Issue details

Small Affordable Housing Sites Programme (SAHS) – update and disposal of sites to enable programme delivery

A progress report on the Small Affordable Housing Sites Programme, and to seek authority to dispose of three sites to enable the delivery of the first phase of the programme

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Liversedge and Gomersal; Mirfield;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/03/2020

Decision due: 26 May 2020 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Children's Services (Statutory responsibility for children)

Lead director: Service Director - Housing

Department: Housing and Highways

Contact: Adele Buckley, Head of Housing Growth 01484 221000 Email:

Members/Officers Involved: James Hinchliffe, Housing Growth Manager


Agenda items
