Issue details

KAL Covid-19 Funding support

A report outlining the irrecoverable losses directly attributed to the Covid-19 lockdown and subsequent anticipated phased re-opening faced by KAL, and proposing that they be underwritten from Covid-19 funding received from the Government.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/06/2020

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Decision due: 28 Jul 2020 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Corporate

Lead director: Strategic Director for Corporate Strategy, Commissioning and Public Health

Department: Corporate

Contact: Martin Gonzalez, Development Manager Email:


Executive Team

Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Graham Turner – Corporate portfolio holder. Eamonn Croston – Service Director for Finance Emily Parry-Harries – Consultant in Public Health / Head of Public Health Martin Gonzalez – Development Manager, Sport & Physical Activity


Agenda items