To seek the agreement of Cabinet to:
1. Note and agree the Town Investment Plan for Dewsbury.
2. To note and agree the levels of match funding required to deliver projects.
3. To delegate authority to the Service Director for Economy and Skills, in consultation with Dewsbury Town Deal Board, to make any final changes to the content of the TIP prior to submission to Government at the end of January 2021 provided that any material changes required to be made by the Service Director are made in consultation with the portfolio holder for Regeneration.
4. To submit the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan to government before the end of January 2021.
5. Once submitted to government to authorise that: the Director of Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with, the Portfolio holder for Regeneration and the Dewsbury Town Deal Board, negotiate and enter into a Town Deal with Government and to activate any changes to the plan to achieve that aim.
6. Once approved by Government authorise the Service Director to enter into the grant agreement as the accountable body and take all necessary steps to implement the grant agreement and associated proposals.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Dewsbury East; Dewsbury South; Dewsbury West;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/12/2020
Decision due: 19 Jan 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Peter McBride, Cabinet Member for Regeneration
Lead director: Angela Blake
Department: Finance and Regeneration
Contact: Simon Taylor, Head of Town Centre Programmes 01484 221000 Email:
Consultation process
Extensive consultation has been undertaken as part of the overall process of drawing up the Town Investment Plan. This ran throughout November 2020.
Members/Officers Involved: Angela Blake