Issue details

Final proposals for the integrated 0-19 (25 for a young person with a special educational need and/or disability) Early Support offer (Family Hubs)

This item follows the report considered by Cabinet in December 2020 and an extensive period of stakeholder engagement carried out in January/February 2021.  The report presented will put forward the findings and suggest recommendations for thefinal proposals for an integrated 0 – 19 (25) model of delivery for Early Support across Kirklees (Family hubs) and will request Cabinet approval on the final proposals and permission to proceed to implementation.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/03/2021

Decision due: 13 Apr 2021 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Viv Kendrick, Cabinet Member - Children' Services (Statutory Responsibility for Children), Councillor Carole Pattison, Leader of the Council

Lead director: Jo-Anne Sanders

Department: Children (stat)

Contact: Jackie Beever 01484 221000, Michelle Wheatcroft [Attmere), Head of Early Help Email:, Carolann Smith.

Consultation process

Engagement with a wide range of stakeholders including members of the public and partner organisations carried out from 4th January 2020 to 26th February using a number of methods.


We have discussed and shared the proposals with a wide range of stakeholders throughout the engagement period in order to hear the views of as many people as possible:


·       General public open survey

·       Families

·       Young people

·       Citizens Engagement reference group

·       Starting Well Theme meeting

·       Schools

·       Community Hub Co-ordinators

·       Early Support Service staff

·       Thriving Kirklees Operational Group (TOG)

·       Smoking in pregnancy meeting

·       KSCP Early Support Task & Finish group

·       Hub Leaders Network meeting

·       Locala Team Leaders Meeting

·       North Kirklees Maternity Voice Partnership

·       Happy Moments (Voluntary org)

·       Thriving Kirklees Co-Production meeting

·       Best Start Partnership meeting

·       Virtual School

·       Kirklees Foster Network

·       KYA Network meeting

·       Batley & Spen Community Plus Team meeting

·       Wellness Service – Central Team meeting

·       Calderdale & Hudds Maternity Voice Partnership

·       Wellness Service – North Team meeting

·       Police - NPT Inspectors meeting

·       Auntie Pam’s volunteers

·       Children’s Social Care Service Managers

·       Kirklees Fostering Network

·       Domestic Abuse Strategic Partnership Meeting

·       Family Resilience and Early Help Meeting

·       Huddersfield Community Plus Team meeting

·       KNH Partnership Management Team meeting

·       Yorkshire Children Centre

·       Thriving Kirklees workforce

·       GP’s

·       LS2U

·       Children’s Social Care staff

·       Adults Social Care staff

·       Customer, Communities & Integration staff

·       PCAN

·       All Kirklees Employee Networks

·       CAMHS/IAPT

·       Early Years providers

o   EY network meeting

o   Schools EYFS network meeting

·       Voluntary sector organisations – via TSL & Comms plus staff

·       Kirklees Children and YP partnership

·       BAME networks and faith groups - via Faith & Community Integration teams (information translated into community languages)

·       Libraries – via newsletter

·       Jubilee Centre

·       Peri-natal mental health team

·       Thriving Kirklees comms team

·       CCG comms

·       Welfare and Exchequer service Senior Management team

·       Brunswick Centre

·       Duke of Edinburgh

·       Wacky


Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Viv Kendrick – Children Cllr Carole Pattison – Learning, Aspiration & Communities


Agenda items
