‘Our Kirklees Futures’ captures the collective vision and sets out key principles, priorities and approaches that underpin our ambition for all learners to achieve their full potential.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/08/2021
Decision due: 5 Oct 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Education and Communities
Lead director: Jo-Anne Sanders
Department: Learning and Aspiration
Contact: Chris Jessup, Head of Education Outcomes 01484 221000 Email: chris.jessup@kirklees.gov.uk.
Consultation process
A commission from the Children’s Ambition Board was established to create a long-term strategic plan for education, learning and skills for Kirklees. It is led by two key groups: a multi-agency, cross-sector, high level Commissioning Group and an Expert Strategy Group comprising of system and organisation leaders from Schools, Colleges, learning settings, a wide group of partners and stakeholders within the borough. As education impacts every aspect of life within Kirklees, broader consultation has taken place involving LA services such as Business and Skills, Communities Teams, Social Care and Public Health.
This has taken the form of forum discussions with both the commissioning and strategic groups, feedback to draft versions, formal meetings of the Ambitions board, Education and Learning Partnership Board and associated committees such as Kirklees Learning Progression Board.