To approve the use of funding the Council will receive from the NHS to support the adult social care sector this Winter and seek approval for the Director of Adults and Health to have a delegated authority, in consultation with the Section 151 officer and the Cabinet member for Adults and Health, to design an appropriate approach to utilising this and other short-term funding to support the adult social care sector.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/12/2021
Decision due: 14 Dec 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Musarrat Khan
Lead director: Executive Director for Adults and Health (DASS)
Contact: Phil Longworth 01484 221000 Email:
Consultation process
Bringing forward the proposed uplift of the National Living Wage has widespread support amongst local NHS partners and has been discussed through a variety of West Yorkshire Integrated Care System structures.
In Kirklees the Kirklees Care Association (care homes) and Domiciliary Care Registered Managers Network have all highlighted the need to improve the basic pay of front-line care workers to support recruitment and retentions, and the sense of staff being valued by the health and care system.
The proposal is also due to be discussed at the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Board meeting on the 7th December
Kirklees Care Association
Kirklees Domiciliary Care Registered Managers Network
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Board
Members/Officers Involved: Cllr M Khan, Portfolio Holder Health and Social Care Cllr E Smaje, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Richard Parry, Strategic Director for Adults & Health