Issue details

Draft Kirklees Specialist Accommodation Strategy

The Draft Kirklees Specialist Accommodation Strategy 2022 – 2030 forms part of the overall Kirklees Housing Strategy.


It sets out the approach that the Council and its partners will take to support residents with a care and or support need in their home, so that they remain as independent as possible.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/02/2022

Decision due: 8 Mar 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Cathy Scott, Group Leader

Lead director: Naz Parkar

Department: Housing and Highways

Contact: Chris Porter, Health Development Officer - Commissioning, Public Health and Adult Social Care 01484 221000 Email:


The Accommodation Sufficiency group which has cross directorate involvement has been heavily involved in developing the strategy.


The Specialist Accommodation Board has been consulted and signed off the strategy.


The senior management teams within Adults & Health, Children & Young People and Housing have each received a briefing for their own sign off of the strategy.


On 16th March 2021 Cabinet approved the Service Director for Homes and Neighbourhoods carrying out a non-statutory consultation on the proposed draft Specialist Accommodation Strategy 2022-30.


A number of amendments in specific group chapters were suggested, these suggestions have been incorporated in the draft strategy.


A vertical slice of the health and social care system was involved and included front line workers as well as strategic groups, i.e., health partners, Kirklees Council services, provider groups.


Portfolio leads for Health and Social Care, Children and Housing.


Heads of Service in Commissioning and Market Development in Adults and Children’s and Housing & Growth Directorates


Senior Leadership Teams in Adults & Health, Children & Young People and Housing and Growth.


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) leads for Commissioning and Continuing Healthcare


Members/Officers Involved: Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Housing and Democracy – Cllr Scott Children – Cllr Kendrick Health and Social Care – Cllr Khan Naz Parkar – Homes and Neighbourhoods Helen Geldart – Head of Housing Services Simon Baker – Head of Commissioning & Market Development (Adults) Stewart Horn –Head of Joint Commissioning Donna Harkins – Housing Strategy & Partnership Manager Gary Wainwright - Commissioning Manager – Integrated Commissioning Tony Bacon – Commissioning Manager – Mental Health Chris Porter – Service Development Manager


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