The Communities Partnership Plan is the strategic plan which addresses multi-agency, community facing issues affecting quality of life for residents. The Communities Partnership Plan encapsulates the Kirklees Community Safety Plan as required under the Section 5 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
The Plan sets out the strategic priorities as:
Reducing violence and tackling exploitation and abuse which includes serious violence, violence against women and girls, organised crime, and safe town centres
Reducing ASB and Neighbourhood Crime which includes personal and environmental ASB, vehicle crime, burglary, and criminal damage
Building Resilient and Inclusive Communities which includes Tackling Hate Crime, safeguarding people from radicalisation, asylum, migration and integration, inclusion and belonging
Risk which includes reducing reoffending, substance misuse, road safety and water safety.
The Plan is informed by the Kirklees Partnership Strategic Needs Assessment which brings relevant date and insight together.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/08/2022
Decision due: 20 Sep 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Carole Pattison, Leader of the Council
Lead director: Jill Greenfield
Department: Learning and Aspiration
Contact: Jo Richmond, Head of Communities - Customer & Strategic VSC Support 01484 221000 Email:
Consultation process
The plan has been developed on the basis of consultation with partners and other key stakeholders which includes the Police, voluntary and community sector, health colleagues, Probation Services, Fire Service, Violence Reduction Unit and West Yorkshire Mayors office.
The plan has had sign off from the Communities Board and has been through scrutiny processes in November 2021 initially to consult on emerging priorities and themes and again in June 2022 as a final version. The Plan is reviewed annually against the Kirklees Strategic Intelligence Assessment.
Members/Officers Involved: Councillor Pattison, Portfolio Holder Partners including the Violence Reduction Unit and Mayors Office, Elected Members and Community and Voluntary Sector as part of Plan Development Communities Board for partnership (Community Safety Partnership) Overview and Scrutiny Service Director Finance Head of Legal Services Mel Meggs Strategic Director Jill Greenfield Service Director