One year on from the transfer of the Housing Management and maintenance services from the former KNH back to the Council on 1st April 2021 a review of the effectiveness of the newly established governance arrangements was completed by DTP. The DTP report recommends changes to these governance arrangements to strengthen the link to Cabinet decision making by establishing a new Homes and Neighbourhoods Improvement Board.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/11/2022
Reason for urgency:
Whilst notice of a decision being made at Cabinet was given, due to an administration error the notice of a private report was not. This report cannot reasonably be delayed until the next available Cabinet meeting as matters contained within the report relate to actions outlined within another report to be considered by Cabinet that being H&N Building Health and Safety Ad Hoc Scrutiny report therefore they should be considered together. In addition to delay the report and decision will delay the recruitment of new Board and Panel members and therefore the new governance arrangements will not be in place by April 2023. This would present an undue risk to the governance of the service.
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 21 Dec 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Children's Services (Statutory responsibility for children)
Lead director: Service Director - Homes & Neighbourhoods
Department: Housing and Highways
Contact: Eric Hughes, Head of Governance [Homes & Neighbourhoods] Email:
Members/Officers Involved: David Shepherd, Strategic Director Executive Team including Julie Muscroft, Monitoring Officer and Service Director, Legal, Governance and Commissioning Cllr Cathy Scott, Portfolio Holder, Democracy and Housing Cllr Musarrat Khan, Portfolio Holder, Health and Social Care Leadership Management Team Housing Advisory Board