Issue details

2023/24 Proposed allocation of funding from Children's Directorate Achieve & Aspire Capital Maintenance baseline section of the Capital Plan

This report will identify potential projects, for Member approval, to be funded from the 2023/24 Achieve & Aspire Capital Maintenance section of the Capital Plan to address urgent condition related needs in maintained schools and ask for delegated powers for officers to manage the programme within its budget envelope.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/02/2023

Decision due: 14 Mar 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Paul Davies, Councillor Viv Kendrick, Cabinet Member - Children' Services (Statutory Responsibility for Children), Councillor Carole Pattison, Leader of the Council

Lead director: Joanne Bartholomew

Department: Corporate

Contact: David Martin, Head of Property 01484 221000 Email:

Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Paul Davies - Portfolio Holder - Corporate Cllr Viv Kendrick - Portfolio Holder - Children Cllr Carole Pattison - Portfolio Holder - Learning, Aspiration and Communities David Martin - Head of Service - Corporate Landlord & Capital Emma Griff - Strategic Manager Facilities - Property


Agenda items
