To apply an in-year increase to the Fees & Charges contained within the appended Schedule. This is a continuation of the previous decision submitted in December 2022 and is Tranche 2 of Fees & Charges
The Quarter 2 Corporate Financial Monitoring Report approved by Cabinet on 16 November 2022 sets out the Council’s financial position in light of the current challenging economic climate, and highlights management actions to be progressed, which include a review of all services’ Fees and Charges, in response to that. The prevailing rate of CPI at the time this review was completed in December 2022, was 11.1%
All Services across the council are therefore undertaking an immediate review of their existing Fees & Charges, to establish:
· those fees and charges which can be increased in-year, due to exceptional inflationary pressures, by 11.1%
· products or services provided by the council which are non-statutory, and should, if not already, apply increases above 11.1% to move towards becoming fully cost recoverable
· products or services provided by the council which are non-statutory and already fully cost-recoverable, but where market forces are in operation, and where price benchmarking indicates there is headroom for price increases above 11.1%
Appended to this Decision Notice is a Schedule of Fees and Charges with the Environment and Climate Change and Growth & Regeneration Directorate where one or more of the above criteria apply. In addition, the Schedule also includes some in-year Fees & Charges which are less than 11.1% where other market factors may apply.
The officer decision to implement the increases set out in the attached Schedule is made on this date in accordance with Section 11.1 of the Financial Procedure Rules Scheme of Delegation, so as to facilitate in-year increases, wherever possible with effect from 1 April, at the earliest.
However for some services, the actual implementation date may be later than 1 April, subject to IT update constraints or other administrative actions which are needed to effect a price change, or where engagement with customers/users is required prior to the increase
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/02/2023
Decision due: 21 Mar 2023 by Strategic Director for Environment and Climate Change
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Environment and Highways
Lead director: Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration
Department: Environment
Contact: Adele Poppleton, Service Director for Culture and Visitor Economy 01484 221000 Email:
Members/Officers Involved: David Shepherd - Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration Colin Parr – Strategic Director for Environment & Climate Change Adele Poppleton – Service Director Culture & Visitor Economy Edward Highfield - Service Director Skills and Regeneration Julie Muscroft – Service Director, Legal Governance & Commissioning Relevant Cabinet Members