The report going to Cabinet sets out a proposal seeking approval to establish a grants scheme to support the distribution of grant funding of up to £1,000,000 in any given year for individuals and community organisations in Kirklees’ Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE), education and faith sectors who are working to meet the shared outcomes and in particular, priorities within the Kirklees Communities Partnership Plan (2022-27). The amount available will depend on what funding is received and / or available.
The proposal does not ask for any additional funding and is a framework to enable us to distribute funds as and when they become available, primarily, but not exclusively external funds.
The fund is for services and organisations who are working towards the shared outcomes and in particular, priorities within the Kirklees Communities Partnership Plan:
Ø Tackling Violence, Abuse and Exploitation – Domestic abuse, exploitation including slavery, violence
Ø Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour and Neighbourhood Crime
Ø Building Resilient Communities - Hate crime, Prevent, migration and asylum dispersal, inclusive communities.
Ø Reducing Risk - Road safety, drugs and alcohol, reducing re-offending, water safety
Ø Other – Meeting local need as directed by the funder, for example the Violence Reduction Unit or the Home Office
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/03/2023
Decision due: 11 Apr 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Carole Pattison, Leader of the Council
Lead director: Jill Greenfield
Department: Learning and Aspiration
Contact: Jo Richmond, Head of Communities - Customer & Strategic VSC Support 01484 221000 Email:
Consultation process
Details of all consultation will be included in the Cabinet report.
Members/Officers Involved: Jill Greenfield, Service Director for Communities and Access Services Jo Richmond, Head of Communities Service Cllr Carole Pattison, Portfolio Holder Learning, Aspiration and Communities Julie Muscroft, Service Director for Legal, Governance and Commissioning Eamonn Croston, Finance Service Director Martin Dearnley, Head of Risk Barbara MacGregor, Senior Finance Officer Jon Haigh, Finance Manager Rebecca Ashurst, Senior Legal Officer Voluntary / Community / Council Grant Managers including third sector, Community Plus and Early Support Potential grant applicants External Grants officer Communities Boards via the strategic delivery group