The Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, has a legal duty under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to produce, implement and monitor a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (Local Strategy). Council’s original strategy was published in 2013, a summary refresh was made in 2019 to provide an up-to-date evidence base to support the measures identified in the current Action Plan.
The Local Strategy summarises the duties, responsibilities and actions that the Council will embrace to manage local sources of flood risk. It must align with the National Strategy produced by the Environment Agency.
A revised National Strategy was published in July 2020 and was formally adopted by government in September 2020. This strategy describes what needs to be done by all risk management authorities (RMAs) involved in flood and coastal erosion risk management for the benefit of people and places.
This has been a key driver to reviewing our current Local Flood Risk Management Strategy in ensuring alignment with the National Strategy.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2023
Decision due: 20 Feb 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Finance & Regeneration
Lead director: Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration
Department: Finance and Regeneration
Contact: Paul Farndale.
Consultation process
Engagement via workshops have taken place at the very beginning prior to drafting the strategy so key stakeholders can help shape the new strategy from the outset.
Internal workshops have taken place with internal services such as Planning, Highways, Climate Change and Emergency Planning colleagues.
An external workshop has taken place with Yorkshire Water, Environment Agency, and key partners such as the National Trust and many others.
Periodic updates have been given to the Portfolio Holders.
A public consultation exercise will be undertaken on the new strategy and its associated documents. A survey will be set up to encourage residents to express their thoughts and opinions.
All Members and Parish Councillors will be directed to the draft documents for comments. A separate workshop is intended to be set up with local flood community groups.
A summary Consultation Report will be prepared to capture comments received.
Members/Officers Involved: Rashid Mahmood Cllr Graham Turner