Issue details

Cultural Heart Facilities Preparation - Revenue Costs

Consideration and approval of the revenue budget for delivery of the non-construction works required to prepare for a new museum, art gallery, archives, library and outdoor events space in the Cultural Heart.


The services involved have engaged with users to develop co-created spaces, shared and owned by the residents and communities of Kirklees.

The museum and gallery work links with the ‘Bringing Out the Best’ project, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund which undertook engagement which has informed display themes and stories, facilities design, and access requirements. It also identified barriers to heritage and demonstrated the need for exciting, ambitious programmes and events that reflect all our diverse communities. The full report can be viewed here Public engagement report | Kirklees Council


Cultural Heart development also draws on the blueprint engagement of 2019, of which this is a key element. How do you feel about Huddersfield? – How good is our place?


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Savings > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Newsome;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/05/2023

Decision due: 27 Jun 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Environment and Highways

Lead director: Service Director - Culture & Visitor Economy

Department: Finance and Regeneration

Contact: Richard Smith, Culture and Tourism.

Consultation process

Additional phases of public and stakeholder consultations were completed over spring and summer 2022 to support the full planning application for Cultural Heart which was submitted on 3 October 2022, following the approval to move to Gateway 3 by the Cabinet on 21st September. This consultation builds on the feedback received so far and was another opportunity for the community, key partners and stakeholder to help shape the development.


Specific consultees:

·       Libraries

·       Museums & Galleries

·       Creative Development

·       West Yorkshire Archives

·       Relevant Museums, Galleries and sector partners with knowledge of similar schemes

·       Finance


Members/Officers Involved: Deborah Marsland, Jaime Nalson, Adele Poppleton, Colin Parr, Richard Smith