A review of the Council’s existing tree and woodland management policy identified that it now requires reviewing, and updating. This review work resulted in a redevelopment of the existing documents to provide a new progressive policy. Reflecting new national policy and better aligned with current Kirklees’ commitments and corporate goals.
Engagement and consultation has been undertaken with the new document package now drawn together into a finalised draft. Including Policy Statements, an updated Risk Framework, Management Standards and Service Standards.
This new, replacement, policy suite now requires Cabinet consideration with a view making a decision on:
- If the policy should be formally adopted.
- If adopted, delegating the authorisation of future updates and revisions, to the Service Director for Highway and Street Scene. To allow the document to be kept up to date and aligned with any changes to national or local policies, legislation, and guidance during the life cycle of the Council Owned Tree and Woodland Management Policy. As per the review schedule set out at section 14 of the new policy document suite.
Background Papers: Draft Council Owned Tree and Woodland Management policy (with the draft Tree Risk Framework, Management Standards, Service Standards embedded within it).
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/10/2023
Decision due: 14 Nov 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Environment and Highways
Lead director: Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration
Department: Culture & Greener Kirklees
Contact: Joe Robertson, Woodland Development Officer.
Consultation process
Drafting of the documents included on going engagement with: Risk and Insurance, Planning- Conservation, Design, Trees and Ecology, Energy and Climate Change, The Arboricultural Team.
Early stages of drafting also included briefing and engagement with the pervious portfolio holder.
The following interested parties, and service areas, were contacted for comment and feedback: Highways, Planning Policy, Legal Services, Kirklees Direct, Homes and Neighbourhoods, Corporate Facilities Management, and the White Rose Forest, as the regional Community Forest partner.
Comments received related to rewording, or amendments to specific sections, and addition of text to link the draft tree management policy to other areas, such as Planning Policy.
In January 2023, the initial draft was also taken to the Environment and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Panel for comment. With the comments received now addressed.
An integrated impact assessment has been undertaken which identified a neutral impact on people and communities. With the policy, and associated tree management, being implemented equally across the district and all the communities that the Council serves. The impact assessment has then identified a positive impact on the environment and the management of it.
Members/Officers Involved: Joe Robertson - Woodland Development Manager, Ben Ridge - Arboricultural Team Manager